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作者:    信息来源:    发布时间: 2019-07-11

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职  称







1981.9-1985.7 江西农业大学农学专业,大学本科;

1985.9-1988.7 我校作物栽培学与耕作学,硕士研究生;

1990.9-1993.12 我校作物栽培学与耕作学,博士研究生;

2007.1-2008.6 美国俄亥俄州立大学,博士后。

1988.7-1996.5 6163银河线路检测中心,任助教、讲师;

1996.6-2000.5 6163银河线路检测中心,副教授;

2000.6-2015.3  6163银河线路检测中心,教授、博士生导师。

1998.3-1999.3  美国俄亥俄州立大学,高级访问学者;

2004.1-2005.1 日本岩手大学,高级访问学者;


联系方式: xft299@syau.edu.cn

















副主编《农学概论》,中国农业出版社, 2019;




(1)Qiang Zhao, Yanli Du, Hetong Wang, Hilary J. Rogers, Cuimei Yu, Wan Liu,Mingzhe Zhao, Futi Xie.5-Azacytidine promotes shoot regeneration during Agrobacterium-mediated soybean transformation. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2019,141,40-50(SCI).

(2)Shengyou Li, Wenbin Wang ,Yongqiang Cao,Changling Wang , Chunjuan Yan,Lijie Dong,Lishi Wu, Futi Xie, Shuhong Song.How root traits would be affected by soybean yield improvement? An examination of historical cultivars grafted with record-yield cultivar scion. Plant Soil.https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-018-3792-5(SCI).

(3)Hongli Zhou, Xingdong Yao, Wenbo Liu, Zhixin Wu, Qiang Zhao, Huijun Zhang ,Haiying Wang, Xue Ao, Mingzhe Zhao, and Futi Xie.Precise nitrogen topdressing upregulates nitrogen Metabolism and improves soybean(Glycine max) grain yield.Crop & Pasture Science.https://doi.org/10.1071/CP18350(SCI).

(4)Yanli Du, Qiang Zhao, Shengyou Li, Xingdong Yao, Futi Xie , Mingzhe Zhao.Shoot/Root Interactions Affect Soybean Photosynthetic Traits and Yield Formation: A case study of grafting with record-yield cultivars. Frontiers in Plant Science, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00445(SCI).

(5)Yanli Du, Qiang Zhao, Liru Chen, Xingdong Yao, Wei Zhang, Bo Zhang, Futi Xie.Effect of drought stress on sugar metabolism in leaves and roots of soybean seedlings.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2020,146,1–12(SCI).

(6) Hongli Zhou, Xingdong Yao, Qiang Zhao, Wei Zhang, Bo hang,Futi Xie.Rapid Effect of Nitrogen Supply for Soybean at the Beginning Flowering Stage on Biomass and Sucrose Metabolism .Scientific Reports 20199:15530(SCI).

(7) Zhu Qian, Kong Ling-jian, Shan Yu-zi, Yao Xing-dong, Zhang Hui-jun, Xie Fu-ti, Ao Xue.Effect of biochar on grain yield and leaf photosynthetic physiology of soybean cultivars with different phosphorus efficiencies. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 2019, 18,10, 60345-7(SCI).

(8) Qian Zhu, Lingjian Kong, Futi Xie, Huijun Zhang, Haiying Wang, Xue Ao.Effects of biochar on seedling root growth of soybeans. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research, 2018, 78(4): 549-58(SCI).

(9)Zhu Q, Wang H, Shan YZ, Ma HY, Wang HY, Xie FT, Ao X. Physiological response of phosphorus-efficient and inefficient soybean genotypes under phosphorus-deficiency. Russian Journal of Plant Physiology, 2020(SCI).

(10)Dongmei Li, Xue Zhao,Yingpeng Han, Wenbin Li,Futi Xie.2018.Genome-wide association mapping for seed protein and oil contents using a large panel of soybean accessions.Genomics. DIO: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2018.01.004(SCI).

(11)Xia Cao, Hetong Wang, Defeng Zhuang, He Zhu, Yanli Du, Zhibo Cheng,Weina Cui, Hilary J. Rogers, Qianru Zhang, Chunjun Jia , Yuesuo Yang, Peidong Tai,Futi Xie , Wan Liu . Roles of MSH2 and MSH6 in cadmium-induced G2/M checkpoint arrest in Arabidopsis roots. Chemosphere 201 (2018) 586-594(SCI).

(12)Shengyou Li,Fei Teng,Demin Rao,Xindong Yao,Huijun Zhang,Haiying Wang,Shuhong Song,Steven K.St.Martin and Futi Xie.Agronomic traits of soybean cultivars released in different decades after grafting recordyield cultivar as rootstock. Plant Breeding, 2017,136, 133–138 (SCI).

(13)Xingdong Yao, Chunhong Li, Shengyou Li , Qian Zhu , Huijun Zhang,Haiying Wang, Cuimei Yu, Steven K. St. Martin , Futi Xie.Effect of shade on leaf photosynthetic capacity, light-intercepting, electron transfer and energy distribution of soybeans. Plant Growth Regul. 2017,83:409-416 (SCI).

(14) Xingdong Yao, Hongli Zhou, Qian Zhu, Chunhong Li , Huijun Zhang, Jun-Jiang Wu,Futi Xie. Photosynthetic Response of Soybean Leaf to Wide Light-Fluctuation in Maize-Soybean Intercropping System.Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017,8,1695 (SCI).

(15)Yang Guang , Zhai Hong , Wu Hong-yan , Zhang Xing-zheng , Lv Shi-xiang, Wang Ya-ying,Li Yu-qiu , Hu Bo, Wang Lu, Wen Zi-xiang, Wang De-chun, Wang Shao-dong, Kyuya Harada,Xia Zheng-jun , XIE Fu-ti. QTL effects and epistatic interaction for flowering time and branch number in a soybean mapping population of Japanese×Chinese Cultivars. Journalof Integrative Agriculture 2017, 16, 60345-7(SCI).

(16)Shengyou Li,Fei Teng,Demin Rao, Huijun Zhang,Haiying Wang, Xindong Yao,Cuimei Yu,Chunhong Li,Minzhe Zhao,Steven K.St.Martin and Futi Xie. Photosynthesis of soybean cultivars released in different decades after grafting onto record-yield cultivars as rootstocks. Photosynthetica, 2017,  554):579–587(SCI).

(17)Guang Yang, Guohua Ding, Huijun Zhang, Chunhong Li,Dexue Gao,Wenling Shao,Qiu Zhao, Xindong Yao AND  Futi Xie .Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Photosynthetic and Antioxedative Traits of Super-High-Yield Soybean. Bangladesh J. Bot. 201645,5,1053-1060(SCI).

(18)Yuying Jia, Xingdong Yao, Mingzhe Zhao, Qiang Zhao, Yanli Du, Cuimei Yu  and Futi Xie  Comparison of Soybean Transformation Efficiency and Plant Factors Affecting Transformation during the Agrobacterium Infection Process. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015, 16,8,18522-18543(SCI).

(19) Ao Xue, Zhao   Minghui, Zhu Qian, Li Jie, Zhang Huijun, Wang Haiying, Yu Cuimei, Li Chunhong   Yao Xingdong, Xie Futi.Effect of   Phosphorus Fertilization to P Uptake and Dry Matter Accumulation in Soybean   with Different P Efficiencies.Journal of   Integrative Agriculture .2014,13(2):326-334SCI.

(20)Ao Xue, Zhao Minghui, Zhu Qian, Li Jie, Zhang Huijun, Wang   Haiying, Yu Cuimei, Li Chunhong Yao Xingdong, Xie Futi , Han Xiaori.Study on Plant Morphological Traits and   Production Characteristics of Super High-Yielding Soybean.Journal of Integrative   Agriculture.2013, 12(7): 1173-1182SCI.

(21)Ao Xue, Zhang Huijun, Liu Jingqi, Wang Haiying, Xie Futi,Han Xiaori.Physiological   and Biochemical Characteristics of Soybean Genotypes with Different   Phosphorus Efficiencies under Various Phosphorus Concentrations.Communications   in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2013, 44:2796–2808SCI.

(22)Xie Futi,Zhang Huijun,Wang Haiying,Ao Xue,and St.Martin   Steven K. Effect of preplant Fertilizer on Agronomic and Physiological Traits   of Soybean Cultivars from Different Breeding Programs. Agricultural Sciences   in China.2010,9(11):1602-1611SCI.

(23)Steven K.St.Martin;Futi Xie, Huijun Zhang, Wei Zhang ,Xianjun Song.Epistasis for Quantitative Traits   in Crosses between Soybean Lines from China and the United StatesCrop Science200949: 20-28SCI.


(24)滕菲,李盛有,饶德民,姚兴东,张惠君,敖雪,王海英 ,Steven St.Martin ,谢甫绨. 超高产大豆砧木对不同年代育成品种光合生理指标和产量性状的影响. 中国农业科学.2016,49(23):4531-4543.

(25)孟田,郭小红,王兴才,张惠君,敖雪,王海英,谢甫绨.中美大豆Ⅲ熟期组代表品种主要光合特性及其与产量的相关性. 中国油料作物学报. 2016,38(1):065 - 070.

(26)郭小红, 王兴才, 孟田, 张惠君, 敖雪, 王海英, 谢甫绨 . 中国辽宁省和美国俄亥俄州育成大豆品种形态、产量和品质性状的比较研究. 中国农业科学 2015,48(21):4240-4253.

(27)郭小红,王兴才,孟田,张惠君,敖雪,王海英,谢甫绨. 中美大豆Ⅲ熟期组代表品种根系形态和活力的比较研究. 中国农业科学 2015,48(19):3821-3833.

(28)郑 伟,刘成贵,谢甫绨,郭 泰,王志新,李灿东,张振宇,张茂明,刘婧琦. 种植密度对黑龙江省不同年代育成大豆品种的影响. 核 农 学 报 2015,29(7):1419 ~1426.

(29)马兆惠,车仁君,王海英,张惠君,谢甫绨. 种植密度和种植方式对超高产大豆根系形态和活力的影响. 中国农业科学 2015,48(6):1084-1094.

(30)李春红,姚兴东,鞠宝韬,朱明月,王海英,张惠君,敖雪,于翠梅,谢甫绨,宋书宏.不同基因型大豆耐荫性分析及其鉴定指标的筛选. 中国农业科学 2014,47(15):2927-2939.

(31)赵玉昆,张惠君,敖 雪,王海英,王文斌,宋书宏,谢甫绨.磷酸二铵对大豆超高产品种养分吸收与利用的影响. 中国农业科学.2014,47(12):2326-2334.







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